Getting out of the house is hard when you have little kids.

This guide is for parents who want to have great dates without having to go anywhere.

Who is Kiri Honey?

Educator, Biz Owner, Fun Seeker, Life Changer, Wife and Mama of 2

Kiri Honey empowers Mum's with the skills they need to bring back the fun and "Honeymoon Sizzle" to their partnerships without sacrificing time with the kids. She helps women take the lead in their life and relationships by teaching them how to communicate again, experience passion again, and get back to a relationship that is fulfilling and fun.

She applies her unique methods designed from her years of teaching experience and her own personal relationship and motherhood woes to help women dive deep to achieve the results they desire most.

Quality Dates are just a click away!

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(you may just want them)

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