Unlock the Secrets to a

Thriving Marriage

Empower yourself and your partnership

inside the Relationship Revival Academy Membership Community

If you're a Mum who is tired of feeling lost, misunderstood and alone in your partnership and you're looking to reconnect with your spouse (the way you did before the kids) - then reading this letter will be the best decision you can make for your marriage.

Reclaim your 'happily ever after':

address the challenges that threaten your marriage.

I believe if you had a great relationship before kids, then you can have it again.

I also believe you have the power to turn your relationship around (even if it feels like it's the end).

When kids come along it’s easy to forget about ourselves AND our partners.

We are busy all of the time, have to prioritize other things (#mumlife) and we often forget who we are as women.

(Like when was the last time you got to ____ on your own? Let alone have a pee by yourself...)

And unfortunately, you never learnt how to share your thoughts without nagging or starting a giant fight...

... Or what to do when your partner's in the mood but you're not "feelin' it"...

... Or how to talk to your partner about something they don't think is important.

That’s why the Relationship Revival Academy was created for you; a busy mum who still loves your partner, but you want your best friend back and you know you've got something worth saving.

In the Academy we're going to make sure you have the skills to be able to communicate effectively with your partner AND bring back that spark without having to wait until your relationship is in crisis, like mine was when I was knee deep in Post-Partum Depression, baby vomit, colic PLUS a busy toddler.

I had to figure out how to save my marriage at a time when it was all hitting the fan...

I don't want that for you.

If you had a quality relationship before kids, then you can have it back again (and even better!)

The Academy has all the tools and support you need to get there.

Why a Membership?

Simple answer:

You want results.

I also know you don't have oodles of time to sit around reading every book, watching every YouTube video trying to piece every bit of information you've gathered to try and find the answer to your specific questions.

I also know you don't have the money to invest in private support.

The Relationship Revival Academy is my solution to these very real problems.

I know what you need to do and the order you need to do them,

because I've done them myself.

Which is why I created the Relationship Revival Academy and Relationship Revival Roadmap.

Hi! I'm Kiri

On March 25th 2019 my life and marriage changed forever

My son was 4 months old, my daughter was 2.5 and I had just been diagnosed with severe post-partum depression.

Like things weren't bad enough, my marriage was in crisis.

We had drifted apart and there was room for someone else to weasel their way in.

I was completely unaware of the impact my behaviour was having on my marriage until the day everything fell apart.

I quickly learned that I had more power, more control over my relationship than I thought.

I had been under the impression that it was my husbands job to make me happy. That if only he would bend over backwards and live up to the "happy wife, happy life" bull shit we have all grown up with then none of this would have happened.

Boy was I wrong. And I'm so glad I was!

The transformation I've witnessed in my own relationship and the change that has occurred just from taking what I like to call "Radical Responsibility" of the role I play in my marriage as been a game changer.

The methods I teach inside the Relationship Revival Academy are the same techniques I used to reconnect with my husband, learn to communicate again, feel like a team again and actually enjoy each other's company.

We now have a rock-solid relationship and I want the same for you!


I tested my discoveries AND IT WORKED!

After a few years of working with clients privately or in a small group capacity

and helping them achieve their desired results.

I realized that I could make a bigger impact and achieve results for more Mother's like yourself by developing a Membership space that allows me to share the same valuable information I share inside my premium programs at a fraction of the cost.


Here's what some of my clients had to say...

"By working with Kiri I have learnt so much about myself and how I work. Kiri has given me realistic and straight forward advice and strategies to help with understanding myself, which has helped me immensely in my relationship. I now have the confidence to communicate effectively with my husband, and I can say that I am loving my life and having fun with my husband and family again rather than just doing the daily grind each and every day."


"By working on myself - loving myself, it radiates out of me towards the love for my husband and children. While my intentions to work with you were to find my way through my struggles with my husband with intimacy and I have thought 'When is this going to happen'; I realize that I need to love myself as a whole and be happy with myself. This will radiate out and the intimacy will naturally grow with my husband.

Kiri you are amazing - making me focus on me first."


"I have been working with Kiri for about 3 months now and I love the person I am becoming! She offers wonderful support, has practical solutions and advice to help me discover within myself the best mother, wife, friend and person that I can be.

I have just completed a vision board workshop with Kiri which was inspiring and fun! I have come away with something I am proud of and really enjoyed the process of creating it. Having dedicated time to create and focus on my vision was really therapeutic and it felt great to take some time just for me.

Thanks Kiri for an enjoyable experience."


And there are more!

The Relationship Revival Academy can help!

The Academy will allow you to:

>> Learn the tools you need to reconnect with your partner <<

>> Learn tools to address conflict <<

>> Learn strategies to have regular honest conversations <<

>> Understand each others needs, and clearly articulate and communicate your needs in a way that your partner understands <<

>> Gain confidence to talk through issues and address problems as they occur <<

>> Learn tools to increase intimacy even if you have differing sex drives <<

>> Become the kind of role model you want for your kids and be the role model you wish you had <<

>> Learn to prioritize yourself even when you don't have any time <<

>> Learn how to have fun again <<

>> Create a life that is aligned to your values and goals for the future <<

>> Create the Relationship you want <<

And so much more!

Look, I get it... It's tough to admit when your relationship isn't perfect...

We all want our partnerships to be rainbows and unicorns and like it is in the movies, but that's just not how it works.

Relationships are hard.

It's also intimidating to share your imperfections with strangers BUT there's good news.

The topics we cover inside the Academy are way more normal than you think.

By spending a little time and effort in the right areas you too can get your relationship back to where you want it to be.

Here's What You Get With

the Relationship Revival Academy:

Live Weekly Trainings on a Monthly Topic

$49 Value

  • Topics range from Communication, Intimacy, Conflict, Self-care, etc.

  • Access to replays and training archive is always available inside the Academy Portal

  • All recordings available as video, audio, and transcribed.

Monthly Live Q&A

$197 Value

  • Ask specific questions related to the monthly theme or your specific challenges.

  • Receive personalized support without the personalized price tag.

  • Have your questions answered regardless of whether you can attend the session live.

Permission to Play Sessions

$197 Value

  • Step outside your comfort zone and bring some child-like play back into your life.

  • Learn to express yourself creatively in ways you may not have tried before.

  • Reap the rewards of having more fun and trying something new without fear of failure or judgement.

Monthly Challenges

  • Complete Monthly challenges designed to increase connection, develop confidence and compliment the theme of the month

  • Opportunity to feel safe and supported to achieve your goals inside of a safe community atmosphere.

Guest Speakers and Workshops

$297 Value

  • Additional support, shared stories and wisdom from outside guest speakers to support Monthly themes when applicable and available.

  • Access to all replays as well as previous Virtual Event interviews completed by Kiri Honey.

PLUS Get These Incredible Bonuses:


Best Price Guarantee

The price of the Relationship Revival Academy will go up.

However, the price you receive upon joining the Academy will never go up if you remain a member in good standing and maintain your membership subscription.

The price you pay upon joining is the price you pay forever.


Access to all Falling in Love Again Virtual Event interviews

$297 Value

In October 2021 Kiri Honey interviewed 30 Relationship Experts (including Dr John Gray Author of Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus) about their best tips and tricks to have amazing partnerships.

These experts shared game changing tips and you have access to all these interviews as an additional bonus to becoming an Academy member.

This Interview series is NOT available anywhere else.


Facebook Community

$97 Value

As part of your Relationship Revival Academy membership you will receive access to a paid members community of like-minded and supportive women where you can connect, encourage, and support each other along your journey.

This is also where you can ask questions and receive support from Kiri Honey but also other community members who are on the same journey as you are.



Enjoy a growing collection of Meditations recorded by Kiri Honey to support various aspects of your life.


15-Minute Welcome Call

$49 Value

Start your journey inside the Academy with a private 15-minute welcome call to ensure your success as you navigate your way through the content.

This call is designed to support you in starting in the exact right place you need to achieve your goals.

You do have options, but only one makes sense

If you think about all the other ways that you can learn about how to have a stronger partnership:

- reading all the self-help books at the library,

- spending hours scrolling YouTube,

- discussing your situation with family or friends who give you conflicting advice and ultimately leads to uncomfortable situations and a feeling of needing to pick sides,

- to spending hundreds of dollars per hour at couples therapy that you have to drag your partner to only to discuss your past trauma.

Don't get me wrong, there's a time and place for all of the above.

but I'm pretty sure none of them will give you the same value for money

as the Relationship Revival Academy will give you.

What You'll Get

This is about your progress and your results. Choose the option that's best for you.

The Relationship Revival Academy

Learn the tools you need to revive your most important relationships so you can role model healthy relationships for your kids, without massive time commitments or financial strain.


*Estimated amount in USD, charged at $27NZD

Total Value: Over $1100

  • Weekly Live Training Sessions with audio, video and transcribed recordings. ($49)

  • Live Monthly Q&A with recordings and transcriptions ($197)

  • Live Monthly Permission to Play Sessions with recordings ($197)

  • Supportive Facebook Community ($97)

  • Free access to all Virtual Events and recordings ($297)

  • Guest Speakers and Workshops ($297)

  • Best price guarantee

  • Monthly Challenges

The Relationship Revival Academy VIP

Learn the tools you need to revive your most important relationships with customized and specific support to your situation so you can role model healthy relationships for your kids.


*Estimated amount in USD per month charged as a 6 month commitment at $599NZD (approx $354 USD)

Total Value: Over $2700

  • Unlimited Voice Messaging Support via Voxer (or similar platform) during working hours ($800) 

  • 2 X 30 Minute Private Coaching Session per Month over 6 Months ($480) 

  • Free VIP upgrades to all Virtual Events and recordings hosted by Kiri Honey. ($297) 

  • Exclusive access. 

  • Limited to 10 clients.

  • Special Guarantee (click for details)


  • Weekly Live Training Sessions with audio, video and transcribed recordings. ($49)

  • Live Monthly Q&A with recordings and transcriptions ($197)

  • Live Monthly Permission to Play Sessions with recordings ($197)

  • Supportive Facebook Community ($97)

  • Free access to all Virtual Events and recordings ($297)

  • Guest Speakers and Workshops ($297)

  • Best price guarantee

  • Monthly Challenges

  • Growing archive of Meditations

Total value: Over $2700

All this for only $59 a month!*

*The Relationship Revival VIP Requires a 6 month commitment and is charged at $599NZD (equivalent to approximately 354USD or $59/month)

If you have any questions or concerns about the Relationship Revival Academy just email us.

We're happy to help: [email protected]


The Relationship Revival Academy is currently closed for enrollment.

There is a specific reason the registration period for the Relationship Revival Academy

is only available for a short period of time.

I like spending more of my time serving my clients vs. promoting to my audience. So like a college or university, enrollment is only open for a short period of time. Then we shift gears to focus our energy on teaching, supporting and helping you create a thriving partnership with yourself and your loved ones.

Join the Waitlist to be the first to know when registration opens.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What if the Academy isn't for me?

Cancel anytime. You will continue to have access to the content until the end of the last month you paid for. If you entered the Relationship Revival Academy during the launch and received a Founding Member price. Your canceled subscription will void that discount. Should you wish to return to the Relationship Revival Academy you will have to pay the association monthly fee.

What if my marriage is too far gone?

All relationships are at different stages. No matter where you are in your relationship journey this academy can help you. The skills you learn inside this academy can be used for any relationship. Our focus is on helping you reconnect in the relationship you're in, but the skills can be transferred to new relationships or simply to help you communicate effective in all relationships you have moving forward.

How long is it going to take to achieve results?

Everyone is different and everyone will achieve results at different stages. If you're committed to the process, learning the steps and taking action you will see results a lot quicker than if you simply consume content without implementation.

I don't have a partner right now. Can I still join?

Yes! Just because you're not in a partnership right now doesn't mean you can't benefit from this community. A lot of the work we do revolves around you and the way you respond inside of your relationship. Will all the topics be applicable to you? No. But that doesn't mean you won't find them beneficial inside any other relationship and/or future partnerships. The tools you learn inside the academy can be transferred to so many aspects of your life.

My kids are grown up. Will this still help?


The concepts and ideas will work for you no matter your age/stage in life. In fact you will likely get quicker results because you don't have the time restraints that women with little kids will have. So jump on in!

I don't have any time.

Let's be honest. None of us think we have any time.

Inside the Academy we discuss your schedule and look at where you spend your time so we can work on finding the time you need for the things you love.

If you want things to change, you will have to change the way you do things. I will show you how.

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